Arrows National Bound Girls
The Armstrong Arrows "National Bound" Program is an Elite Tier II Hockey Program with the intent of their teams competing for the USA Hockey Tier II National Championships each year. This team is a girls only team.
The goal of each National Bound Team is to win the USA Hockey Tier II National Championship.
USA Hockey 2026 Tier II National Championship Locations:
19U - TBD
You must click on and read the AAHL Tryout & Travel Hockey Guide 2025-2026 before registering.

19U Girls age 19 down to age 15. Girls born in the year 2006 up to 2010.
April 8th 7:10-8:10 PM Clinic
April 9th 7:20-8:20 PM Tryout
April 10th 8:30-9:30 PM Tryout
April 11th 6:50-7:50 PM Tryout
Tryouts will be held in April with team workouts starting in the summer at the coaching staff's discretion. Ice practice and games to start in August and run through late March / Early April.
The Armstrong Arrows National Bound Program is based and operated from:
The Belmont Complex located at 415 Butler Rd. Kittanning, PA 16201.
Practices will be held at:
The Belmont Complex in Kittanning PA.
**Other practice locations may be considered based on available ice and player travel time considerations.
Arrows player uniforms consist of home / away jerseys, socks, and shell . Each player will be required and responsible for the purchase and care of their Arrows uniform. Costs associated with their uniform are not included in the season fee (Approximately $210). Please see policies for more information.
Costs - Payments / Payment Plans / Fundraising
All payments will be made online through the online registration via a scheduled payment schedule. A pay in full option will be available as well as a payment plan option. There is a an additional $50 added to payment plans due to transaction fees. The Armstrong Arrows Girls National Bound Program may choose to have one or more mandatory fundraisers during the season to ensure that adequate operating funds are available. Price to be determined. Please see Policies for kitchen duty information.
Please see the AAHL Tryout & Travel Hockey Guide 2025-2026 for program fees..
2025 - 2026 SEASON
** Please download and read the "AAHL Tryout and Travel Hockey Guide 2025 - 2026" found on the home page. **
If registering before April 1, 2025, your USA Hockey Confirmation Number will not be required to complete the online registration. You will be required to upload your 2025-2026 USA Hockey Confirmation Number to the AAHL Website as soon as USA Hockey Registration opens for the 2025-2026 Season.
If registering after April 1, 2025, your USA Hockey Confirmation Number for the 2025 - 2026 season will be required to complete the online registration.
Register now for the upcoming season!
19U NB Head Coach -
AAHL reserves the right to hold supplemental tryouts to fill any & all open roster positions post open tryouts.
AAHL will adhere to all policies of USA Hockey and Mid Am in regards to tryout dates.
PAHL Team Placement:
Arrows National Bound Girls may or may not compete in PAHL. If so, AAHL will make a placement recommendation, but the PAHL determines the final placement of ALL teams in the league. AAHL cannot guarantee the level of play for any team playing in PAHL.